
Jul 10, 2013

Web Wednesday - Dig Into Dinosaurs

This summer reading theme, Dig Into Reading, has us digging into lots of good topics - including dinosaurs!  Many of our friends at the library are into dinosaurs.  Pronouncing their long names, memorizing facts, and reading about them are just a few awesome dino activities.  For some extra fun dino-mite resources, scope out these sites:

 Dino Database is packed full of dinosaur facts including the history of dinosaurs, tales of dino discoveries, and even a dino dictionary.  Just click along the top of the site for more information, including links to other pages to continue the learning.  A personal favorite is the Dinosaur Records page where you can find information on their size, height, and weight. 

The BBC's page on Prehistoric Life is also full of great dino facts, among other prehistoric creatures.  This page has loads of information if you want to sink your teeth into fossils, sea monsters, and fun facts involved with palaeontology, the study of prehistoric life. To the left of the screen are options for looking at photo galleries, games and videos, and even a glimpse of human beginnings.  Our favorite is the game "Who Dung It?" where you match the dino droppings, or coprolite, with the correct prehistoric beast.

Photo courtesy of  BBC Science and History - Prehistoric Life. Accessed 05/21/13
If you're interested in finding fossils, check out for information on the first fossil discovery!  If you're looking to see some dinosaurs in person, head to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to see the exhibit Dinosaurs.  Just like the dinosaurs of yesteryear, this exhibit will become extinct on September 15th, 2013.
Last but not least, check out the Cleveland Museum of Natural History for loads and loads of information.  Members of the Museum staff will visit the library next week for two programs, Digging for Dinos, and Archaeology: Dig Into the Past.  Call or email to sign up!