The children's librarians at GMPL love finding new books to add to our collection, whether it's the next Owl Diaries or a Caldecott contender, a gripping graphic novel or a biography bursting with interesting facts. One great thing about reading is that, no matter what you choose to curl up with, your brain is getting that workout it craves.
Our nonfiction section in particular has gotten some awesome books recently that provide many opportunities for hands-on learning far removed from sitting at a desk copying down facts. From creating and uploading your own videos to genealogy, we have something for everyone. Check out some of our favorites below. To place one of these books on hold, simply click the title of the book or call us at 440-926-3317.
My Weird School Fast Facts: Dinosaurs, Dodos, and Woolly Mammoths by Dan Gutman (J/NF 560 Gut)
Make and Upload Your Own Videos by Karen Latchana Kenney (J/NF 777.38 Ken)
National Geographic Kids Guide to Genealogy by T.J. Resler (J/NF 929.1 Res)
Who Is the Dalai Lama? by Dana Meachen Rau (J/BIO DALAI LAMA)
by Joseph Bruchac (J/BIO NEZ)
There's also still plenty of time to sign up for our summer reading programs (kids, teens, and adults). We may be biased, but the kid's program is especially cool because you get to collect beads for every 20 minutes you read! Stop into the Library to sign up today.