
Jun 27, 2012

Web Wednesday - Diggin' Dinosaurs

What is bigger than dinosaurs???  The Indianapolis Children’s Museum opened the Dinosphere exhibit so kids can learn about dinosaurs in a hands-on way.  In case you can’t make a trip out to Indy, you can head on-line to see some of the fun and games!

At Dinosphere’s web site, you can take a virtual tour of the facility through video clips.
You can look at different dino profiles of your favorites!  Learn facts about the dinosaur’s past and even see a fossil of the beasties!  My favorite part of the web site is by far the fossil close-ups.  By ‘scanning’ with a magnifying glass, you can learn specifics about some of the bones.

You can also find out more about the specific dinosaurs that call Dinosphere home, like Bucky the T Rex!  With a story about each dinosaur’s discovery and pictures of the fossils, it’s like the dinos never went extinct.  There is an entire page devoted to preparing fossils, so you can really understand the labor and the journey that has been put into the museum.

Different search features and options are available for kids, parents, and teachers.  Kids can play games and do web quests to find out more information.  This is just such a neat site to go along with such a cool topic that is sure to wow.  Check it out!